'Direct Dial Up' Access to the Internet... 

Modem Configuration And Dial-up Networking Guide            
1. Pre-requisites for connection to Thuraya ISP Service (1722)
The 'Direct Dial Up' service is available for both post-paid and prepaid as well as for GSM subscribers roaming onto Thuraya's network.

To connect to Internet using Thuraya Mobile, one needs to have the following

  • For post-paid customers-Data service activation is needed.
    PC or Laptop.
  • Thuraya Data Cable (to connect the laptop to the UT directly) or serial cable (to be used with SATEL).

How to access the Internet...

  • Thuraya subscribers and the GSM roamers, who have Data Service, can dial the short number 1722 through their laptops or PCs.
  • Users should define a normal dial up connection in their laptops and configure it to dial 1722.

Proceed to Defining your Thuraya Phone as a modem